How IT varsity is transforming Education

The IT varsity Difference – Your stepping stone to an amazing career.

An exciting new challenge begins in November 2019!

As job hunting becomes more competitive, graduates need to work even harder to stand out from other candidates, and acquiring technical skills is one way to achieve this. Many companies are now looking for candidates who, on their first day of work, can jump right in and start helping the company achieve its goals. That means finding people with the right technical skills to get the job done.

In order to equip our students with the necessary technical skills and tools that makes them stand out above the rest, IT varsity has issued a competition challenge to our students to go out and find a real world client, be it a small business, a church, an NPO or any organization, offer them a solution to a problem they face, develop that solution and then deploy that solution for them in real time.

Watch the video here :

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