You might be wondering: there’s something missing here: the author not mention technology skills at all. Are tech skills not important? Tech skills are extremely important, but do not form a part of t...
There was once a king who dreamt that all his teeth fell off. He was perturbed by this dream, and the next day, he called his senior advisor and related the dream to him, asking him to provide an inte...
Investors say that the ideal number of people to found a new business is two: one founder should be the technical one, the one with product knowledge, while the other should be the business brain, the...
“We are educating children out of their creative capacities.” ~ Ken Robinson. My team loves Post-it notes. Come to our office, and you’ll see Post-it notes on pretty much every wall. That is how...
I can be cruel to my team sometimes. Once I hired an intern, and on her first day at work, I sent her a text message with a link to two videos, with a simple instruction: edit these for TikTok, add su...
There is a place torture and suffering; Within whose inescapable borders, millions of people are ensnared, trapped. A place where hope dies, ambitions wither, dreams fade to nothingness. A treacherous...
Do you remember your school teacher asking you to read a book, and then review it, giving your thoughts and opinions about it? Do you remember hating that? I do. It’s not that I did not enjoy reading ...
I love this example of Doug Dietz because for me this is one of the best examples I have ever come across of the interplay between humans and technology. It also demonstrates how we as human beings ca...
Let’s analyse what happened in the story in the previous chapter, step by step. Step 1 – Critical Thinking: When Doug saw the child reaction to his MRI scanner, he was justifiably shocked. He st...