I’ve given you enough stories about people who I take inspiration from because they’ve made it and they are living the lives that I believe make them really truly happy. People who started from nothing and who found success.
And I gave you my own story as well. From being in a job that I hated, to running my own business and enjoying myself despite all the challenges, despite the roller coaster ride that business is. It makes me happy to pitch up for work every day and to see my team’s faces. To work with them gives me joy.
Added to that, I love getting feedback from my students. There are hundreds of them all over the place, and nothing makes me happier than one of them messaging me out of the blue, telling me that they have started a dream job, or have gotten a promotion.
But enough about me. Enough about others. Let’s talk about you. I want you to think about you. What is the life that you want? Is it the life that you are living right now? Or are you living a schizophrenic life – living one life but desiring something else? Do you feel that there should be more to this? Do you feel that you should be doing something more?
If you feel that way, then this book is definitely for you. This book will show you how to get up and bring about the change in your life that will take you closer to the life you want. It will help you to get out of the life that you hate and construct and nurture and develop the life that you want.
It will help you to design the life that you want and then work towards it until such a point that you find success.
On the other hand, if you do not feel that way, if you are one of the lucky people who are living the life of their dreams, then congratulations, well done, kudos to you.
But this book is for you too. Let me tell you why. The problem with life is, it’s not always going to be smooth flowing. There are always going to be challenges. There are going to be unexpected turns of events that you will need to deal with. Life is a sine wave. You go up and down, up and down, up and down.
That’s a guarantee. To deal with such situations, you will need the skills in this book. Having these skills will enable you to push through all those challenges and turn every problem into an opportunity.
So, whoever you are, I want you to think about it again. What is the life that you would ideally love to live? Take a pencil and a page. Go and separate yourself from everybody. Put the phone away and just pour your heart out onto that piece of paper.
And describe the life that you want and let it inspire you for what’s to come next.